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We’re in Jonestown Now
Words and music by Wendy Renee Emerson
Get ready to run for your life in the night
Hidin' in the shadows just out of sight
Brown shirt boys. It's a terrible fright,
to realize that we just might be in...
Jonestown now.
Oh no!
Oh yeah.
We're in Jonestown Now
All we need is your loyalty.
Abandon your humanity.
Don't raise a cry against brutality.
Just save your own ass and your property.
That's they way it is, and always was
in Jonestown.
The doors are tight
and the locks are sound.
The hands are tied
and the legs are bound.
So when they pass the drinks around...
it's all fall down.
Maybe by now we can figure out
we've been taken by theives and louts.
The time we had has all run out.
It's time to get off the goddamn couch.
Because we're in, Jonestown now
Oh no!
We're in Jonestwon now,
Jonestown now.